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Frequently Asked Questions

image of a brown dog raising its paw to ask a question
I have a question!
photo courtesy of Camylla Battani



How do you say your last name?


My last name has three syllables: Mil-us-ich, and sometimes, breaking them up helps to make it easier to say.


Did you always know you wanted to be an author?


No, it wasn't until a few years after I began working as an itinerant teacher for the visually impaired that I wrote my first story, Penelope the Patchwork Pig. I loved creating Penelope's world and story. I've been writing ever since.


Where do you get your ideas?


I get many ideas from my students and when my children were little from them.


Do you have any hobbies?


I love reading, practicing yoga, and jigsaw puzzles.

 What is your favorite book?


It's hard to pick out just one, but A Wrinkle in Time is one of my favorite middle-grade reads, and A Bad Case of Stripes is one of my picture book favorites.