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Join Neveah, a young blind girl, as she uses her senses of touch, taste, hearing, and smell to explore the changing seasons and the delights they each offer.


Neveah knows it's winter when her boots scruuunch in the snow and cold flakes land softly on her tongue.


She knows spring has come by the smell of hyacinths, and the bzzzz of a bee nearby.


Summer brings a trip to the beach, where she can hear the crash of ocean waves and the keowww of seagulls overhead.


And when Neveah's rake goes scritch-scratch over fallen leaves and the air turns brisk, she knows it's autumn and the cycle of the seasons will begin anew.

Cleopatra W. Darby's ideas are big, and her inventions are out of this world. When Cleo moves into her new, old house in the country, the small town of Humble isn't quite ready for her, especially Ms. Mason and her daughter Emmie. Ever since she's moved in all Cleo's inventions have flopped, but Cleo's not one to give up without a fight.


It's the start of school and Cleo is not looking forward to it.


Ms. Mason, the same person who destroyed Cleo's biggest inventions when she moved into the town of Humble, is her teacher. This school year's sure to be the pits unless Cleo can find a way to recycle, reuse, or renew it.


The only thing for certain is that Cleo's big ideas will take her and Winston onward and upward!





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Cleo's ideas have shrunk since the pandemic started. But with a little help from her friends, Ji Won, Sara, and Albert, Cleo finds out that ideas; no matter the size, can make a big difference.